Иностранный язык английский (часть 4-4)

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Предметом предусмотрены следующие задания:

п. Наименование работы Вид работы Цена Услуга
1 Промежуточный тест 1. Тест(8)    
2 Промежуточный тест 2. Тест(4)    
3 Промежуточный тест 3. Тест(4)    
4 Промежуточный тест 4. Тест(11)    
5 Итоговый тест Тест(37)  
6 Все тесты (промежуточные + итоговый)*    


ВНИМАНИЕ: Для получения оценки, достаточно сдать тесты которые в таблице, если желаете сдать все тесты, напишите мне, для обсуждения стоимости дополнительных тестов.

Иностранный язык английский (часть 4-4)

Предлагаю свою помощь в сдаче данного предмета.
Подробнее смотрите в Вашей группе:СМОТРЕТЬ
Предметом предусмотрены следующие задания:

п. Наименование работы Вид работы Цена Услуга
1 Промежуточный тест 1. Тест(8)    
2 Промежуточный тест 2. Тест(4)    
3 Промежуточный тест 3. Тест(4)    
4 Промежуточный тест 4. Тест(11)    
5 Итоговый тест Тест(37)  
6 Все тесты (промежуточные + итоговый)*    


ВНИМАНИЕ: Для получения оценки, достаточно сдать тесты которые в таблице, если желаете сдать все тесты, напишите мне, для обсуждения стоимости дополнительных тестов.

*В стоимость входит сдача всех обязательных тестов по предмету(п.1-5)

Question 1
Баллов: 16
Complete the sentences using Participle I or II.

1. Опытный специалист, ремонтирующий ваш автомобиль (torepair)
An experienced technicianyour car

2. Работающийтопливныйнасос (towork)

3. Мужчина, управляющий автомобилем (todrive)
The man the car

4. Компьютер, посылающий сигналы автомобилю, чтобы вбрызгивать (tosend)
Computer signals for the vehicle to inject

5. Молодой человек, меняющий старый двигатель (toreplace)
The young man the old engine

6. ремонтируяавтомобиль (to repair)
the car

7. включаязажигание (to turn … on)
the ignition

8. отсоединяя один из проводов (todisconnect)
one of the wires

9. поворачиваяруль (to turn)
the steering wheel

10. смотрянабензиномер (tolookat)

11. автомобиль, отремонтированный вчера (torepaiur)

12. электронная система безопасности, разработанная для того, чтобы показать отказ двигателя (todesign)
electronic safety systems to cope with engine failure

13. педаль, прижатая ногой (topush)
the pedalwith foot

14. бензин, пролитыйнадорогу ( to spill)
gasolineon the roadway

15. закрытыйкапот (to close)

Question 2
Баллов: 13
Choose the right form of the Participle: Participle I or Participle II.

1. driving test he couldn’t cope with stress.

2. The man you to drive a car is Helen's husband.

3. The worker an engine on an engine stand will attach additional parts.

4. The cylinders, (to cast – отливать) from iron, are heavier than aluminum ones.

5. The main parts of the engine together provide the process of movement.

6. There is an engine block of a grip of cylinders.

7. My car has a four-cylinder engine four combustion chambers.

8. You have problems to lack of transmission fluid.

9. A car may have more than one computer motor controls.

10. The antenna through the act of vandalism might be changed out.

11. at the rear-view mirror he could see what was happening behind his car.

12. a car you had to observe the traffic around.

13.the bonnet he saw a scratch mark on the door.

Question 3
Баллов: 1
Match the words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents.

failure fuelgauge rear-viewmirror gearshift boot inject pinpoint pistonrod scratchmark petrolcap engine gear accelerator Question 4
Баллов: 11
Choose the right form of the Participle I: Perfect or Simple.

1.he drove his truck into a wall.

2. down a steep (steep - крутой) hill Helen used a low gear.

3.the key into the ignition he started the car.

4.pressure to the gas pedal she picked up her speed.

5.the traffic around him Sam was ready to stop at any time.

6. the ability to understand why his car air conditioning system didn’t work properly he could solve the problem himself.

7.the engine they moved the car to the work area.

8.the exact cause of a damaged transmission John realised that he wouldn’t be able to continue his trip.

9. the ignition on I’ll be able to tell if the vehicle actually has fuel pump operation.

10. When if a fuel pump is bad, make sure there is fuel in the tank.

11. I couldn’t read the map.

12.the car he put the gearshift into the park and turned off the ignition. (park – позиция «парковка» вавтоматическойкоробкепередач).

Question 5
Баллов: 8
Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning to the first sentence using Participle I or II.
The young man who is driving the car is my sister’s husband.
Молодой человек, который управляет автомобилем, муж моей сестры.
The man driving a car is my sister’s husband.
Молодой человек, управляющий автомобилем, муж моей сестры.

1. Choose the car that satisfies your needs.
Choose the car your needs.

2. ‘V’ style engines that reduce vibration typically have six or eight cylinders.
‘V’ style engines vibration typically have six or eight cylinders.

3. The engine that winds up without changing gears is a sign that the transmission is not shifting properly.
The engine up without changing gears is a sign that the transmission is not shifting properly.

4. An experienced technician that was checking the fuel level noticed leaking at the filter tube base.

5. The man who is installing a spark tester is a good specialist.
The man a spark tester is a good specialist.

6. We have a signal that is coming from the computer to turn the injectors on or off.
We have a signal from the computer to turn the injectors on or off.

7. Automobile technician who was invited to determine engine failure started his diagnoses with some of the basics.
Automobile technician, to determine engine failure, started his diagnoses with some of the basics.

8. Spark tester that was installed after disconnecting one of the spark wires from a spark plug will help us to see whether or not the vehicle has spark.
Spark tester after disconnecting one of the spark wires from a spark plug will help us to see whether or not the vehicle has spark.

Question 6
Баллов: 11
Chose the right form of Participle given in brackets.

e.g. The car made (having made/made) in Japan was very good.

1.by this firm the cars were of high quality.

2.the driving test Mary was able to buy a car.

3. The driving force behind the movement of a car is a device an internal combustion engine.

4. Car engines are rated for power on the number of cylinders contained within the engine block.

5. The engine is very old.

6. the engine on a stand he began his work.

7. Inside the engine, there are several combustion chambers cylinders.

8.my old car I don’t need to buy a new one.

9. You can get the engine by the certified technician.

10. gears the driver noticed that the transmission had failed to respond properly.

11. When a problem with an electronic starter, there will usually be more than one symptom, including a clicking or dragging sound when trying to start the car.

Question 7
Баллов: 5
Fill in the gaps selecting the words from the box:

Automatic transmissions, which are the most common type of in North American automobiles, are generally very reliable. They have a long life often exceeding 500,000 miles with minimal . The life of an automatic transmission can even exceed the 500,000-mile mark by regularly changing the transmission fluid anat intervals outlined in the owner’s car or truck manual. Manual transmissions, which have become less common in American-made cars in the past 20 years, use gear oil as. Changing the gear oil at regular intervals often allows the transmission to last the life of the car. The automatic transmission fluid and manual transmission gear oil are the lifeblood of transmission. Simple maintenance of fluids goes a long way towards minimizing.

Question 8
Баллов: 1
Match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.

a place with special equipment for washing cars the part of the vehicle that helps it to start by reducing the amount of air going into the engine the front part of the car that covers the engine a liquid fuel used in cars the short metal lever in a car that a driver uses to change the gears a road vehicle for one driver and a few passengers the pedal that you press with your foot to make a vehicle go faster the place where you put in the key to make car’s engine start someone who drives a vehicle, especially as his job a part of an engine that changes engine power into movement a part of vehicle that uses energy from oil, electricity or steam to make it move

Промежуточныйтест 2

Question 1
Баллов: 12
Mark the sentences that are true according to the text:

1. Cars are used for transportation.

2. When the cars were invented they became widely available at once.False
3. Everyday lots of people drive by car to their offices.

4. When some people need to go down to the grocery store which is less than a mile away, they drive rather than walking or bicycling.

5. Millions of people around the world work in factories where cars are produced. NI

6. A car has seating for one to eight people.

7. Complicated systems power a car.

8. Modern cars are very comfortable.

9. Automobiles give people many jobs.

10. Automobiles pollute the air that we breathe.

11. Parking space in cities is scarce because everyone wants to use their cars to get to city centers.

12. The main components of the car are the body, the propulsion system, the suspension, the steering and the brakes.

Question 2
Баллов: 1
Match the words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents:

power means propulsion body steering suspension transporting brake steer carbon fiber Question 3
Баллов: 1
Write down the names of types of vehicles:
Выберите один или несколько ответов:
a. wing
b. convertible
c. clutch
d. wheel
e. tyre
f. sports car
g. pickup
h. steering wheel
i. door
j. van
k. trailer
l. truck
m. estate
n. minibus
o. bumper
p. boot
q. hatchback
r. headlight
s. bonnet
t. hubcap
u. jeep

Question 4
Баллов: 1
Write down the names of car’s parts:
Выберите один или несколько ответов:
a. wing
b. tyre
c. headlight
d. convertible
e. bumper
f. trailer
g. hatchback
h. pickup
i. jeep
j. truck
k. hubcap
l. bonnet
m. boot
n. sports car
o. clutch
p. van
q. estate
r. steering wheel
s. minibus
t. coach
u. door

Промежуточныйтест 3

Question 1
Баллов: 11
Mark the sentences that are true according to the text:

1. Fuel is ignited by spark plugs, and it burns the air available to create explosion.

2. Normal cars usually have sixteen cylinder engines.

3. Each piston in the engine is connected to a portion of the crankshaft surface with piston rods.

4. Cylinders are typically cast from aluminium or cast iron for durability.

5. Pistons are attached to rods.

6. The turning movement is passed through the drive wheels to the drivetrain.

7. The engine block is composed of a group of cylinders.

8. ‘V’ style engines, which reduce vibration, typically have six or eight cylinders and are designated as V-6 or V-8 depending on the number of cylinders they contain. True

9. The speed is governed by the transmission.

10. The wheels are joined to the axel.

11. The differential is connected to the front end of the driveshaft.

Question 2
Баллов: 1
Match the words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents.
drivetrain transmission ignite spark plug crankshaft fuel pump tank suck in injection system piston drive shaft rod Question 3
Баллов: 1
Match the words which are very close in their meaning:
to call

Question 4
Баллов: 6
Fill in the gaps selecting the words from the box:

Today all cars have safety features that protect from accidents that may happen on the road. In almost every country passengers have to fasten their seat belts. Children and babies must be put in
Since the mid 1990s almost all cars have been equipped with . They are normally in the steering wheel and if a car crashes they come out, inflate and protect the passengers from slamming into the. But there are other safety laws that must follow. Doors must have special locks that are crash resistant and must be able to absorb some force if the car crashes.

Промежуточныйтест 4

Question 1
Баллов: 1
Read the text and answer the questions:
What system usually makes the car move:
a. the brake system
b. the steering system
c. the drive train

Question 2
Баллов: 1
What system controls the front wheels:
a. the brake system
b. the suspension system
c. the steering system

Question 3
Баллов: 1
What allows you to turn the wheels and change direction:
a. pushing the brake pedal
b. the drive train
c. turning the steering wheel

Question 4
Баллов: 1
What system helps you to stop the car:
a. the brake system
b. the suspension system
c. the steering system

Question 5
Баллов: 1
How many wheels do the brakes operate on:
a. four
b. one
c. two

Question 6
Баллов: 1
What kind of brakes do you know:
a. hydraulic brakes, disk brakes, wheel brakes
b. foot brakes, hand brakes drum brakes
c. disk brakes, drum brakes, hand brakes

Question 7
Баллов: 1
What keeps the wheels turning when you step on the brakes:
a. antilock braking system
b. the steering system
c. brakes

Question 8
Баллов: 1
What system supports the weight of the car:
a. the brake system
b. the suspension system
c. the steering system

Question 9
Баллов: 7
Mark the sentences that are true according to the text:
1. An automobile consists of a lot of small components that form simple systems.
2. The steering system controls the wheels.
3. The brake system helps you to stop the car.
4. The clutch is controlled using the left leg.
5. Emergency hand brakes are useful when the hydraulic system breaks down.
6. To apply the brakes, we use the right leg.
7. In order to have a smooth ride lots of cars have shock absorbers.

Question 10
Баллов: 1
Match the words and word combinations with their Russian equivalents:
drive train


emergency hand brake






Question 11
Баллов: 5
Fill in the gaps selecting the words from the box:

The chassis of the car contains the skeletal frame of the. The most notable.of the chassis are the steering system, the suspension system, the frame and the wheels. The.allows you to turn the wheels and change direction. The keeps the wheels on the ground, prevents a bumpy ride and stabilizes the steering. The supports all the car's parts and keeps them together.

Итоговый тест

Question 1
Баллов: 1
Соотнесите английские словосочетания с руссскимиэквавалентами:

to carry away the heat
to force gas out
to remove dirt
to reduce pollution
to rub against
to keep the car running
to burn fuel
carbon dioxide
to convert harmful gases into

Question 2
Баллов: 1
Соотнесите термины с подходящим определением:
equipment in a motor vehicle that cools the engine
the part of an engine that keeps it from getting too hot
a filter that removes impurities from the oil used to lubricate an internal-combustion engine
an exhaust pipe at the rear of a vehicle or aircraft powered by an internal-combustion engine
a large metal container for keeping oil
a device that absorbs noise, especially one used with an internal-combustion engine
the pump in the cooling system of an automobile that cause the water to circulate
a piece of equipment fitted to a car in order to reduce the amount of poisonous gases that it sends into the air
oil filter
tail pipes
oil tank
water pump
cooling system

Question 3
Баллов: 1
to store
to damage
to reduce
to remove снять
to pass through
to workработать
to decrease
to keep
to operate
to carry away
to destroy
to flow

Question 4
Баллов: 1
Выберите те высказывания, которые соответствуют содержанию текста:
Выберите один или несколько ответов:
a. When the pistons in the engine’s cylinders pumps gas out of the engine, it passes through tail pipes into a catalytic converter
b. Oil filter serves for lubrication of engine so that it won’t do any damage to engine parts
c. The working substance in the cooling system does not contain water
d. The aim of a catalytic converter is to decrease the amount of bad substances released into atmosphere by a car
e. Any car needs oil to prevent rubbing of metallic parts in the engine
f. The gases produced when burning fuel must be carried away because they can damage the car
g. The purpose of a cooling system is to carry away the heat produced by burnt fuel
h. Having driven a long distance a driver should replace oil and oil filter
Question 5
Баллов: 1
Составьте словосочетания из слов, данных ниже:


Question 6
Баллов: 11
Заполните пропуски в тексте самым подходящим словом из предложенных вариантов:
Structure of the Automobile

Basically, automobile consists of three parts: the engine, the chassis and the body.
The engine is the heart of the automobile. It is comprised of cylinders, fuel piping to deliverto the cylinders, and other components. It also includes electric, fuel, cooling and ()systems. The engine produces energy from fuel and converts that energy into the power to move the different components.
Chassis includes suspension, drive shaft, transmission, and differential. The task of theis to bring the engine’s torque (крутящиймомент) to a range that will turn the wheels. Theis a mechanical component for transmitting torque and rotation. The primary purpose ofis to change the direction of rotation to allow wheels to rotate with different speeds. Theenables the automobile to () the shocks and variations in the road surface, keeping the automobile ().
The body of the car forms the passengers compartment and offers () space. The body has (), fenders and accessories: the heater, conditioner, windshield wipers, etc.

Question 7
Баллов: 1
First I put the car into the reverse. Then I can back it out of the drive.
a. Having put the car into the reverse I can back it out of the drive
b. Having been put into the reverse I can back the car out of the drive
c. Putting the car into the reverse I can back it out of the drive

Question 8
Баллов: 1
The drive train is the system. It generally makes your car move.
a. The drive train is the system generally made your car move
b. The drive train is the system generally being made your car move
c. The drive train is the system generally making your car move

Question 9
Баллов: 1
All cars have emergency hand brakes. They are used if the hydraulic system fails.
a. All cars have emergency hand brakes using if the hydraulic system fails
b. All cars have emergency hand brakes used if the hydraulic system fails
c. All cars have emergency hand brakes having been used if the hydraulic system fails

Question 10
Баллов: 1
The reservoir allows seeing the level of fluid inside it. It is made of plastic.
a. The reservoir making of plastic allows seeing the level of fluid inside it
b. The reservoir being made of plastic allows seeing the level of fluid inside it
c. The reservoir having been made of plastic allows seeing the level of fluid inside it

Question 11
Баллов: 1
He never crosses the street at a red light because once he was fined for that.
a. Having fined he never crosses the street at a red light
b. Having been fined he never crosses the street at a red light
c. Fining he never crosses the street at a red light

Question 12
Баллов: 1
When I found a leak in my engine's cooling system, I decided to handle it myself.
a. Having found a leak in my engine's cooling system, I decided to handle it myself
b. Being found in my engine's cooling system, I decided to handle a leak myself
c. Finding a leak in my engine's cooling system, I decided to handle it myself

Question 13
Баллов: 1
We should check the engine and carefully replace any part.
a. We should check the engine, carefully having replaced any part
b. We should check the engine, carefully replacing any part
c. We should check the engine, being replaced carefully with any part

Question 14
Баллов: 1
He passed his driving test successfully because he was well trained.
a. Being well trained he passed his driving test successfully
b. Having trained well he passed his driving test successfully
c. Training well he passed his driving test successfully

Question 15
Баллов: 1
He had to refuse when somebody asked him to repair the car.
a. When asked to repair the car he had to refuse
b. Asking to repair the car he had to refuse
c. Having asked to repair the car he had to refuse

Question 16
Баллов: 1
Removal of the brake pad is a simple operation. It is done with a few tools.
a. Removal of the brake pad is a simple operation having been done with a few tools
b. Removal of the brake pad is a simple operation doing with a few tools
c. Removal of the brake pad is a simple operation being done with a few tools

Question 17
Баллов: 22
Заполните пропуски правильной формой причастия:

1. The transmission changes the gear differential to use the powerby the engine efficiently.

2. a good technician people often ask him for advice.

3. heavily a catalytic converter does not allow the exhaust gases to pass through it to the muffler and out of the car.

4. Cars are machinesregular maintenance to continue running properly.

5.that the antenna on her car had been damaged Ann couldn’t change.

6.too low, oil can cause trouble for your engine.

7.out noisysignals a water pump signals that it is going to break down.

8. The pumpin the front where it rotates with the belt, needs to be replaced.

9. The carby the mechanic at the moment is the latest model of Ford.

10. on a double-yellow line, my friend got a fine.

11. The engine is a complex machine built to convert heat fromgas into the forcethe road wheels.

12. Our car was placed between two big trucks almostthem.

13. He has had a variety of jobs, at one time as a driver.

14. The road was full of cars allin the same direction.

15. Every cartoday use disk brakes on the front wheels.

16the brake pedal did not work.

17. the clutch pedal the driver started the car.

18. the neutral position of transmission disconnects the engine from the drive wheels.

19. properly the car battery served for a long time.

20. The body of the carof steel or aluminum forms the passenger compartment.

Question 18
Баллов: 1
Having driven along for several miles we saw a motel.
Выберите один ответ.
a. Проехав несколько миль, мы увидели мотель
b. Ведя машину несколько миль, мы увидели мотель
c. Мы ехали несколько миль, когда увидели мотель

Question 19
Баллов: 1
Having been located the leak should be removed at the service station.
Выберите один ответ.
a. Имея течь, вы должны ее устранить
b. Когда выявлено расположение течи, ее следует устранить в автомастерской
c. В автомастерской выявили, что есть течь, которую сразу же устранили

Question 20
Баллов: 1
The old oil being drained with the warm engine flows more freely, taking with it any harmful substances.
Выберите один ответ.
a. Когда старое масло слито, то двигатель работает лучше, не имею вредных веществ
b. Старое масло, сливаемое при теплом двигателе.будет течь легче, забирая с собой все вредные вещества
c. При теплом двигателе старое масло высыхает быстрее, высушивая все вредные вещества

Question 21
Баллов: 1
When completed the road will link two cities.
Выберите один ответ.
a. Когда закончили дорогу, построили еще два города
b. Когда дорога будет завершена, она соединит два города
c. Дорога, соединяющая два города, завершена

Question 22
Баллов: 1
For an hour he was trying to repair an engine totally absorbed in the activity.
Выберите один ответ.
a. В течение часа он пытался починить двигатель, полностью поглощенный в работу
b. В течение часа он пытался починить двигатель, полностью заглохнувший во время работы
c. В течение часа он пытался починить двигатель, который был полностью в рабочем состоянии

Question 23
Баллов: 1
Aston-Martin is a very expensive high-quality car made in Britain.
Выберите один ответ.
a. Астон-Мартин – это очень дорогая высококачественная машина, сделанная в Великобритании
b. Астон-Мартин – это очень дорогая высококачественная машина, делающая честь Великобритании
c. Астон-Мартин – это очень дорогая высококачественная машина, производимая в Великобритании

Question 24
Баллов: 1
He got out of the car, leaving the engine running.
Выберите один ответ.
a. Так как двигатель работал, он вышел из машины
b. Он вышел из машины, оставляя двигатель работающим
c. Он вышел из машины с оставленным работающим двигателем

Question 25
Баллов: 1
The earth was wet making it difficult to drive.
Выберите один ответ.
a. Когда земля была намочена, она затруднила вождение машины
b. Земля была мокрой, сделав вождение трудным
c. Мокрая земля затрудняла вождение машины

Question 26
Баллов: 1
Having received sufficient speed he turned the radio on.
Выберите один ответ.
a. Когда скорость была набрана, он включил радио
b. Набрав достаточную скорость, он включил радио
c. Набирая необходимую скорость, он включил радио

Question 27
Баллов: 1
Having bought a new car he was very happy.
Выберите один ответ.
a. Покупая новую машину, он был счастлив
b. Имея новую машину купленной, он был счастлив
c. Купив новую машину, он был счастлив

Question 28
Баллов: 1
When given an opportunity the automobile industry will rapidly develop.
Выберите один ответ.
a. Данная возможность поможет автомобильной промышленности быстро развиваться
b. Создавая новые возможности, мы помогаем автомобильной промышленности быстро развиваться
c. Когда автомобильной промышленности дадут возможность, она будет быстро развиваться

Question 29
Баллов: 1
The half of the cars stolen in Britain each year is never found.
Выберите один ответ.
a. Крадя машины в Великобритании, в половине случаев преступники остаются ненайденными
b. Половина, крадущих машины в Великобритании, остается ненайденными
c. Половину машин, украденных в Великобритании каждый год, никогда не находят

Question 30
Баллов: 1
The damage done to this car is very small.
Выберите один ответ.
a. Когда машину повредили, оказалось, что урон является очень маленьким
b. Урон, нанесенный машине, очень маленький
c. Машина, наносящая урон, очень маленькая

Question 31
Баллов: 1
The young man repairing a car is my brother.
Выберите один ответ.
a. Молодой человек, ремонтирующий машину, мой брат
b. Молодой человек, отремонтировавший машину, мой брат
c. Молодой человек ремонтирует машину моего брата

Question 32
Баллов: 1
Having been invented cars have greatly changed the way we live.
Выберите один ответ.
a. Когда машины были изобретены, они сильно изменили наш образ жизни
b. Изобретя машину, мы сильно изменили наш образ жизни
c. Изобретение машин изменило наш образ жизни

Question 33
Баллов: 1
Future cars being made of plastics will be stronger and lighter than steel cars.
Выберите один ответ.
a. Будущие машины, производимые из пластика, будут прочнее и легче стальных машин
b. Так как будущие машины будут произведены из пластика, они будут прочнее и легче стальных машин
c. Будущие машины, произведенные из пластика, будут прочнее и легче стальных машин

Question 34
Баллов: 1
Having improved the way people lived cars became widespread.
Выберите один ответ.
a. Улучшая жизнь людей, машины стали широко распространенным явлением
b. Улучшенная жизнь людей способствовала распространению машин
c. Улучшив жизнь людей, машины стали широко распространенным явлением

Question 35
Баллов: 1
When repaired the car began working much better.
Выберите один ответ.
a. Починенная машина стала работать гораздо лучше
b. Починив машину, она стала работать лучше
c. Когда машину починили, она стала работать гораздо лучше

Question 36
Баллов: 1
Containing thousands of individual parts a modern car is a very complicated machine.
Выберите один ответ.
a. Разместив в автомобили тысячи отдельных частей, мы получили очень сложную машину
b. Содержание тысячи отдельных частей делает современный автомобиль очень сложной машиной
c. Вмещая тысячи отдельных частей, современный автомобиль является очень сложной машиной

Question 37
Баллов: 1
The wheels, steering and braking systems attached to the chassis perform important functions.
Выберите один ответ.
a. Колесная, рулевая и тормозная системы, прикрепляющие шасси, выполняют важные функции
b. Колесная, рулевая и тормозная системы, прикрепленные к шасси, выполняют важные функции
c. Прикрепив колесную, рулевую и тормозную системы к шасси, были выполнены важные функции